We had a fairly uneventful trip here. We flew from Wichita to Dallas to LA (with an 8 hour layover) to Hong Kong (a 14 hour flight that went WAY faster than I had anticipated and they had pretty great food/movies so that helped) and then a five hour flight to Bali. After customs-which again was faster than we expected-we found a cab and headed to our hotel Akmani in the Legian area of Bali. We were exhasuted after almost two days of travel. But a shower and tooth brush later we grabbed a quick dinner at our hotel, watched an amazing sunset from our rooftop terrace and then some pretty sweet hour long massages for $20(we could get used to this)! We called it an early night and now we are again at the airport again waiting for our flight to Borneo. We will be in a fairly remote area on a jungle trek along some river. Very excited and well prepared with bug spray! Hoping we get to see some great wildlife and that the bugs aren’t any bigger than my hands:) People here have been incredibly nice in the short amount of time we have spent here and we are excited to see where this trip to Borneo takes us! More after Borneo!
www.borneotour.org should send you to the website where we found this tour!